Summer Fro Vibes & Festival hair

Summer Fro Vibes & Festival hair

How to: create your best Festival Fro ever!

As the summer sun stays out to play for longer… and maybe you’ve booked your festival tickets? For the summer adventures.  

Here are my top tips to prep your hair for its best Festival Fro ever:

Wash and Steam your hair a day or so before. Freshly washed and steamed hair will have movement not to mention Va Va Voom Volume

Steaming creates a magical inflating effect on your hair- it really gives an Afro or twist-out LIFE!  

After washing and steaming, style with the following:

Use a Fro-cocktail of products like a leave-in conditioner like our Honey rain juice and Natural hair butter/ Twist & Curls pudding + Quench to create immense softness, volume, bounce and shine all festival long.

Style tip:  Add hair chains and faux flower chains to the fro for a really tropical and relaxed vibe, the bolder the better! Bantu knots are also a cool look for a day out in the park at a festival if a fro will make you too hot!


Swim Safe Tips: Do not let your hair stop the fun in the waves this summer!

If you are worried about your tresses, newly natural, rocking kinky twists or even relaxed! Then take note.

Chlorine does not react well with Afro or curly hair textures, especially if your hair is coloured. So in order to prevent swimming damage from the pool water or dryness via the sea, add a barrier of protection to your hair under your swim cap.

The oil and water truck!

As oil and water does not mix, soak your hair at least 2 hours before or overnight in hair loving golden Olive oil. Extra virgin is best! This will protect strands by filling them up with oil so the water literally just glides off!

In addition add a conditioner to your hair before swimming, again to add a barrier of protective coating to give an anti-chlorine effect.


Protective style Know how:  Loc loving or Braided beauty?

If your about to depart on your annual island vacation, and you have decided to pack your hair away in a protective style so your only focus is that tan!! Listen up!!

Whether your style choice are  faux locs or maybe it’s just Rapunzel length braids or twists, one thing to remember is to treat the hair under there!

Adding hair to your natural hair will weaken and dry out your hair, so be sure to deep condition and treat with protein prior to the install. It’s vital to ensure your hair is in tip-top condition before-hand!!

Whilst the braids/locs are in, do spritz your hair with a good water based leave-in conditioner. Our Honey rain juice is perfect here! Also prevent the itchies by applying a little oil to the scalp and co-washing the hair and scalp at least 1 x a week.  This will also prevent dry hair under there!  If you happen to get sand in your hair although great look for your Instagram pics, not so great for your hair, so do rinse it out at the end of the day!


Founder, formulator, Hairducation Expert

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